Takashi(aes256): Stay a while and listen
Takashi(aes256): Peafowl
Takashi(aes256): I'm thinking to solve a difficult problem
Takashi(aes256): We are team penguin!
Takashi(aes256): We love each other
Takashi(aes256): Statue of Blue whale
Takashi(aes256): Bateleur saying something
Takashi(aes256): Close-up capture of tiger
Takashi(aes256): I'll take a nap here!!
Takashi(aes256): Lovely pose
Takashi(aes256): Polar bear's backstroke
Takashi(aes256): "You don't belong here!" "Yes I do! We are BIRDS!!"
Takashi(aes256): Hey you, don't take a picture of me!
Takashi(aes256): I wonder I can do a turn forwarding
Takashi(aes256): Smiling snowy owl
Takashi(aes256): What a earthquake!
Takashi(aes256): A glare of a predator
Takashi(aes256): Colorful Friendship
Takashi(aes256): Smile and Dash
Takashi(aes256): Love at first sight
Takashi(aes256): Penguin "I feel omething is strange"
Takashi(aes256): Pretending like a penguin
Takashi(aes256): Panning of Black-tailed Gull
Takashi(aes256): Kissing birds
Takashi(aes256): Japanese dwarf flying squirrel