Takashi(aes256): Thank you for honey
Takashi(aes256): I feel spring has come
Takashi(aes256): Growing to the sky
Takashi(aes256): Illumination at a car shop
Takashi(aes256): Top of the flower
Takashi(aes256): Amaryllis
Takashi(aes256): Pink Peace
Takashi(aes256): Eden Rose
Takashi(aes256): Colorful Hydrangea
Takashi(aes256): A pond and hydrangea
Takashi(aes256): Kiyose Sunflower Field
Takashi(aes256): Kiyose Sunflower Field
Takashi(aes256): Sunflower like a sun
Takashi(aes256): 3 sunflowers
Takashi(aes256): Yellow Beauties
Takashi(aes256): Inside a sunflower field
Takashi(aes256): Sunflower perspective
Takashi(aes256): Taking a break at a sunflower
Takashi(aes256): I can't see anything but you
Takashi(aes256): Perfect Camouflage
Takashi(aes256): Sunflower profile
Takashi(aes256): Warm Sunlight
Takashi(aes256): Small flower at a huge forest
Takashi(aes256): Dahlia "Enpou"
Takashi(aes256): Dahlia "Enpou"
Takashi(aes256): Dhalia "Junai"
Takashi(aes256): Hide and seek
Takashi(aes256): Look into the flower