Takashi(aes256): Stay a while and listen
Takashi(aes256): Peafowl
Takashi(aes256): We love each other
Takashi(aes256): Let's move
Takashi(aes256): Ten Hutt
Takashi(aes256): Your leg look delicious fish
Takashi(aes256): Hello wood, can I come in?
Takashi(aes256): Oh my itchy spot!!
Takashi(aes256): Eagle jet
Takashi(aes256): Turkey vulture
Takashi(aes256): Turkey vulture
Takashi(aes256): Symmetric owl
Takashi(aes256): Blue-and-yellow macaw
Takashi(aes256): Ural owl
Takashi(aes256): Low‐altitude flight
Takashi(aes256): Love triangle
Takashi(aes256): Duck's wing
Takashi(aes256): You want me to what?
Takashi(aes256): Hair in the wind
Takashi(aes256): Like a painting
Takashi(aes256): I am duck
Takashi(aes256): Quick!! Give me that food!!
Takashi(aes256): Love swimming
Takashi(aes256): "You are too heavy!" "Heavy? Com on! 10 more sets!"
Takashi(aes256): Bateleur saying something
Takashi(aes256): I'll take a nap here!!
Takashi(aes256): Lovely pose
Takashi(aes256): I wonder I can do a turn forwarding
Takashi(aes256): Duck "I love this point of view"