hwicker: newest addition
hwicker: cleaning the lens cabinet
hwicker: Back to the Future. My retro adventure back to film...
hwicker: let's see if I can remember how to do this...
hwicker: Looking Close...on Friday - Bag
hwicker: bringing out some old toys
hwicker: trusted friend
hwicker: an unexpected visitor
hwicker: Thanks Matt!!
hwicker: Peaceful Thoreau-like day; just me and my bugs 🐜
hwicker: Traveling Tomorrow - What's in the bag?
hwicker: And now for something completely different...
hwicker: It's a new old day
hwicker: Out shooting, what are you doing?
hwicker: Macro Porn, Vintage and New-Age
hwicker: set-up for fried chicken (see previous photo)
hwicker: Macro Mayhem
hwicker: More to come
hwicker: 50s Shoot Out........hint: Goliath doesn't win
hwicker: Leica Gear: film, digital - old and new
hwicker: the message
hwicker: Doctor Who
hwicker: my first DSLR, not yet sure how I feel about it.....
hwicker: new Gordy strap
hwicker: In the pear tree
hwicker: LX7
hwicker: FOCOTAR 50mm
hwicker: Leitz Focotar enlarger lens on Visoflex w/ bellows