hsuyo: 車子駛過,捲起滿地的葉子
hsuyo: IMGP7045
hsuyo: Fall on the Trunk
hsuyo: Flying Eagle
hsuyo: Sky, Trees, and Eagle
hsuyo: IMGP7061
hsuyo: Morris Canal
hsuyo: Along with
hsuyo: Split / 分
hsuyo: Cross / 跨
hsuyo: Sky in the River / 天河交接
hsuyo: Morris Canal
hsuyo: 古老的橋
hsuyo: 橋的中端斷掉了
hsuyo: 橋頭一景
hsuyo: 古老的橋
hsuyo: 小運河
hsuyo: 岸邊
hsuyo: Broken Bridge
hsuyo: 其實是要照蜘蛛絲
hsuyo: 菇葉
hsuyo: IMGP7107
hsuyo: Tree, Windows, Sunset, and Me
hsuyo: Autumn Scenery
hsuyo: Autumn / 十足秋色
hsuyo: Bank of Musconectcong River
hsuyo: Bank of Musconectcong River
hsuyo: Old Tree
hsuyo: IMGP7124
hsuyo: IMGP7125