HSOBERON: This is the matrix and they call it Reallity
HSOBERON: Indiferencia
HSOBERON: In the metro
HSOBERON: Colors in the street
HSOBERON: Grito de guerra.
HSOBERON: A lonely lightning
HSOBERON: Reflex of the ugly building.
HSOBERON: La candelaria
HSOBERON: Life happening.
HSOBERON: this is not the reality what you're looking for.
HSOBERON: A la espera de nuevos descansos.
HSOBERON: Ciudad Protegida / Protected City
HSOBERON: Teach Me Grandpa
HSOBERON: News Down's there
HSOBERON: The moon upon us
HSOBERON: Do you need a cap?
HSOBERON: Vale and the city
HSOBERON: balconies.
HSOBERON: Street coffee. Street photography
HSOBERON: Music in the down town, I
HSOBERON: Music in the down town, II
HSOBERON: Eat something
HSOBERON: The majestic
HSOBERON: Even a broken clock is right twice a day (Explored)
HSOBERON: Túnel de paciencia
HSOBERON: Sura at Night (Explored)
HSOBERON: french fries building