綉戶。: 我一個人,在去紐約的路上。New York, I'm coming, toute seule
綉戶。: “忙就中斷跑步的話,我一輩子都無法跑步”。“If I used being busy as an excuse not to run, I'd never run again”
綉戶。: 14。“First you feel like dying. Then you feel reborn.”
綉戶。: 15。15
綉戶。: 繼續笑著跳舞五千年。Keep Dancing, keep Smiling
綉戶。: 洞見與環保。See through and Leave alone
綉戶。: 有愛的地方,就是天堂。Paradise is where Love dwells
綉戶。: 從春天跑到秋天。From Spring to Autumn
綉戶。: 不能知道。Can not be known
綉戶。: 妳知道什麼呢?You are a FOOL
綉戶。: 布魯克林。Brooklyn