綉戶。: 借 過。The Borrowers
綉戶。: "求知若渴,大智若愚"。"Stay hungry, Stay foolish"
綉戶。: 綻放的靈魂。Blossoming of the soul
綉戶。: “忙就中斷跑步的話,我一輩子都無法跑步”。“If I used being busy as an excuse not to run, I'd never run again”
綉戶。: 14。“First you feel like dying. Then you feel reborn.”
綉戶。: 我們是不會停止想要得到什麼東西的,所以我們也不會停止失去呦。We keep desiring, we keep losing
綉戶。: 再見.總有一天。サヨナラ.イツカ
綉戶。: 下一站,天后。Suite de l'exposition
綉戶。: 態度。Attitude
綉戶。: 晚秋。Late Autumn
綉戶。: 變數。Variance
綉戶。: 苦與春天。Bitter and Spring
綉戶。: 慈悲。Mercy
綉戶。: 我願意。I Will
綉戶。: 無印良品。MUJI
綉戶。: 從熟悉到陌生。"Once the familiar turns strange, it's never quite the same again"