綉戶。: 時差,坐下。Take a seat, time difference
綉戶。: 單。One
綉戶。: 警醒。Vigilant
綉戶。: 海嘯。Tsunami
綉戶。: 相愛無事。What and peace?
綉戶。: 抹。Wipe
綉戶。: 好渴。Soif
綉戶。: 真實,無關乎距離。So real, even out of Depth of field
綉戶。: 一盞燈。Such a light
綉戶。: 抬抬頭,別找自己麻煩。Head up
綉戶。: 不是意外。... by chance?
綉戶。: 大小通喝。Why not get a little bit drunk?
綉戶。: 感觸好多、好細碎。Vibration
綉戶。: 費米尼。Firminy
綉戶。: 拜託笑地由衷一點。Self conscious expression
綉戶。: 隱晦。Obscure
綉戶。: 弱水三千。The boundless universe