Police presence massing
Guarding the Stock Exchange
NYPD patrolling Zucotti Park
NYPD at the designated entrance to Zucotti Park
Guy Fawkes
"... - Oliver Wendell Holmes."
"Tear Down This Wall"
"The 99% Are Under Attack"
"I Will Stand My Ground..."
"Fighting For Our Future"
Occupy Wall Streeter
"Liberal Mayors Attack Democracy..."
"Wall $treet <3's Climate Change"
Occupy Wall Streeter and police
"You are now aware how heavy your riot helmet is."
Peaceful Protest
"My Father is a Detective..."
"Blame The Rich"
"We The People's Demands..."
"They Call It Class War When We Fight Back"
"Wall St. Destroys Community"
Give me control of a nation's wealth and I care not who makes the laws." - Amschel Rothschild
"It's Not Just About the Money"
"When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty"
"We Have a Machine to Disassemble"
"I'm a Union Ironworker..."
"Something is Happening Here..."
Your $ or your life, but your life sucks"
Crowd massing in Union Square preparing to march