HRH Ken: My dad on the 360 spinning ride. Some guy said it was like being in the spin cycle of a washing machine! #ferriswheel #edaworld #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #iphone4s #instagramer #台灣 #iphoneographer #iphonephotography #kaoshiung #amusent
HRH Ken: Self Portrait
HRH Ken: Look at all those condos! #edaworld #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #iphone4s #instagramer #台灣 #iphoneographer #iphonephotography #kaoshiung #amusentpark
HRH Ken: That's one big shopping centre. I love it! #amusentpark #kaoshiung #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #台灣 #instagramer #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto #edaworld
HRH Ken: The view from the top. #ferriswheel #edaworld #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #photography #iphone4s #instagramer #台灣 #iphoneographer #iphonephotography #kaoshiung #amusentpark
HRH Ken: My mom and I riding the #ferriswheel at the #amusentpark in #kaoshiung. #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #台灣 #instagramer #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto #edaworld
HRH Ken: The pirates are attacking! #edaworld #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #iphone4s #instagramer #台灣 #iphoneographer #iphonephotography #kaoshiung #amusentpark
HRH Ken: Defending my castle from pirates. #amusentpark #kaoshiung #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #台灣 #instagramer #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto #edaworld
HRH Ken: Rabbit Ears
HRH Ken: #kaoshiung #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #台灣 #instagramer #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto #edaworld #selfportrait
HRH Ken: Had to take a photo of it just because it's from #Canada! #edaworld #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #iphone4s #instagramer #台灣 #iphoneographer #iphonephotography #kaoshiung #canadianpride
HRH Ken: Pearls and Cashmere
HRH Ken: Giant Ferris Wheel
HRH Ken: The #crowneplaza at #edaworld in #kaoshiung. #taiwan #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #taiwan #台灣 #instagramer #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto #lights #hotel #architechture
HRH Ken: Gosh I'm looking old. I hate #fluorescent #lights. They are so unflattering! #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #iphone4s #instagramer #台灣 #taiwan #iphoneographer #iphonephotography #selfportrait #taipei #mrt
HRH Ken: Unwrapped! It was pretty tasty! #vegetarian #food #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #taichung #taiwan #台灣 #instagramer #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto
HRH Ken: I don't know what to call these but this is for dinner...before steaming. #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #iphone4s #台灣 #instagramer #taiwan #taichung #iphoneographer #iphonephotography #food #vegetarian
HRH Ken: #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #taichung #taiwan #instagramer #台灣 #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto #sunmoonlake #selfportrait
HRH Ken: #selfportrait #sunmoonlake #cablecars #squarephoto #instagram #digital #photography #iphone4s #台灣 #instagramer #taiwan #taiwan #taichung #iphoneographer #iphonephotography
HRH Ken: #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #taichung #travel #taiwan #instagramer #台灣 #iphone4s #photography #digital #instagram #squarephoto #cablecars #gondolaride #sunmoonlake #selfportrait
HRH Ken: #sunmoonlake #gondolaride #cablecars #squarephoto #digital #instagram #photography #iphone4s #台灣 #instagramer #taiwan #travel #taichung #iphoneographer #iphonephotography
HRH Ken: #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #taichung #travel #taiwan #instagramer #台灣 #iphone4s #photography #instagram #digital #squarephoto #cablecars #gondolaride #sunmoonlake
HRH Ken: #sunmoonlake #gondolaride #cablecars #squarephoto #digital #instagram #photography #iphone4s #台灣 #instagramer #taiwan #travel #taichung #iphoneographer #iphonephotography
HRH Ken: #iphonephotography #iphoneographer #taichung #travel #taiwan #instagramer #台灣 #iphone4s #photography #instagram #digital #squarephoto #cablecars #gondolaride #sunmoonlake
HRH Ken: Chinese medicine #vegetarian #hotpot. #food #squarephoto #digital #instagram #photography #iphone4s #台灣 #instagramer #taiwan #travel #taichung #iphoneographer #iphonephotography
HRH Ken: I didn't get much air on that one. # #cartooncharacters #aboriginaltaiwanculture #taiwan #amusentpark #sunmoonlake #台灣 #iphone4s #photography #instagram #digital #squarephoto #aboriginaltaiwan #stupid #random
HRH Ken: Copying a cartoon poster at the park. #rides #travel #aboriginaltaiwan #squarephoto #digital #instagram #photography #iphone4s #台灣 #sunmoonlake #amusentpark #taiwan #aboriginaltaiwanculture #cartooncharacters #stupid #random
HRH Ken: I'm such a kid. #aboriginaltaiwanculture #taiwan #amusentpark #sunmoonlake #台灣 #iphone4s #photography #instagram #digital #squarephoto #aboriginaltaiwan #travel #rides
HRH Ken: #travel #aboriginaltaiwan #squarephoto #digital #instagram #photography #iphone4s #台灣 #sunmoonlake #amusentpark #taiwan #aboriginaltaiwanculture
HRH Ken: #aboriginaltaiwanculture #taiwan #amusentpark #sunmoonlake #台灣 #iphone4s #photography #instagram #digital #squarephoto #aboriginaltaiwan #travel