Harry III: Blanchard Brothers
Harry III: Pop Pop and Mamie sent Max some gifts for his 4th
Harry III: Mr. "K"
Harry III: DSC03007
Harry III: Harry soccer ball 4-30
Harry III: April 2013 playing soccer.
Harry III: Harry soccer corner 4-27
Harry III: harry soccer kick
Harry III: Harry soccer sliding
Harry III: Focus!
Harry III: Smile!
Harry III: Max riding his bike at 4 years old.
Harry III: Harry and Max on the shower floor
Harry III: Max and Dad at Muffin's Diner in Bridgeport PA
Harry III: 100th Day of school project
Harry III: Ruby's Diner
Harry III: MTC uniform
Harry III: Max and I at the UMPD car show in KOP
Harry III: Mother's Day gift galore!
Harry III: Harry and I at the Movie Tavern
Harry III: 976095_10201271156285228_1628148388_o
Harry III: Spring Concert at school 2013
Harry III: Harry and I eating dinner during our trip to Carlisle Car show in our Speedster.
Harry III: Harry and I eating dinner during our trip to Carlisle Car show in our Speedster.
Harry III: 963981_10201276010046569_269818307_o
Harry III: Max helping me shop.
Harry III: Spring Concert 2013
Harry III: Passport in School
Harry III: The first time Max flew a kite.