Harry III: Gold MAP rack dark
Harry III: Custom Motorized window control/interface
Harry III: Mechanical Room
Harry III: Dual 10" cooling fans
Harry III: Sat TV and Network. Phone punch down
Harry III: Equipment
Harry III: Starry Night theater
Harry III: down position
Harry III: Equipment rack
Harry III: MNS theater
Harry III: Recessed MAP Custom rack for a Media room
Harry III: MAP rack
Harry III: MAP RACK rear
Harry III: Custom cabinet Rittenhouse
Harry III: MAP rack Meridian Digital Theater side
Harry III: Crestron HVAC and Lutron homeworks control panels
Harry III: Crestron HVAC thermostats
Harry III: Crestron Adagio system with iPod
Harry III: Equipment at hand
Harry III: MAP rack in JBL theater
Harry III: Equipment Cabinet
Harry III: Elite 60" plasma; TPS-6x
Harry III: Crestron thermostat
Harry III: Crestron control system MAP rack
Harry III: Straight Wire Rhapsody speaker and interconnect cable