Hannah Ratcliffe: Tree frog
Hannah Ratcliffe: 'Common' brown Lemur.
Hannah Ratcliffe: The largest of the Lemur species, the Indri.
Hannah Ratcliffe: Malagasy boy.
Hannah Ratcliffe: Home from home
Hannah Ratcliffe: Concentration face
Hannah Ratcliffe: Preparing the swamp for easier fishing
Hannah Ratcliffe: Workers in the rice paddy
Hannah Ratcliffe: A visit to the local witch doctor
Hannah Ratcliffe: A little daunting?
Hannah Ratcliffe: Tree paparazzi
Hannah Ratcliffe: Malagasy girl.
Hannah Ratcliffe: The ever changing landscapes of Madagascar.
Hannah Ratcliffe: Metal recycling in Madagascar
Hannah Ratcliffe: G Adventures Malagasy tour guide