hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: A view of the opening reception of Factory Fresh's "A Maze" exhibition
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Mirrored CCTV surveillance domes remind you you're always being watched...
hragv: Discovering the Maze
hragv: Celso hangs with his dad in the labyrinth
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Stikman's Voodoo
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: The back of the front room
hragv: Celso says "bend over"
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Celso prepped this work that LAII was going to collaborate on later in the night
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Big Celso women
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: An Infinity Tree Grows in Bushwick
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Stikman had some suprises
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh
hragv: Opening Reception "A MAZE" at Factory Fresh