hph46: U-Bein-Brücke
hph46: U-Bein-Brücke
hph46: ochsenkarren_mingun
hph46: kakku
hph46: ballon_01
hph46: ballon_03
hph46: inle_01
hph46: goldener fels
hph46: ballon_04
hph46: Waiting for the train *02*
hph46: Waiting for the train
hph46: bahnszene_03
hph46: bahnszene_04
hph46: Novizen
hph46: Schule
hph46: Novizinnen
hph46: Ziegelei
hph46: Irrawaddy
hph46: Getreideernte
hph46: Mönche
hph46: Shwedagon-Pagode_02
hph46: young girl
hph46: Spices
hph46: watching the sunset
hph46: Sonnenaufgang in Bagan
hph46: Yangon
hph46: Pagode in Bago
hph46: Myanmar Railway
hph46: Schwarze Schwäne
hph46: Monks wait for the sunset