howtorowacat: Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Inside Wells
howtorowacat: Inside Wells
howtorowacat: West Front at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: West Front at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Lady Chapel at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Vaults
howtorowacat: Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Door to Worship
howtorowacat: Photographing the Photographer
howtorowacat: West Front, North Tower
howtorowacat: West Front, Bell Tower
howtorowacat: Image136
howtorowacat: Image134
howtorowacat: Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Vicars Close at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Chapter House at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Scissor Arches
howtorowacat: Chapter House at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Into the Chapter House
howtorowacat: Chapter House at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: sunlight through the glass
howtorowacat: Colourful Choir
howtorowacat: Lady Chapel ceiling at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Lady Chapel ceiling at Wells Cathedral
howtorowacat: Lady Chapel Windows
howtorowacat: Lady Chapel Windows