howthebodyworks: id cards are hard to carry in indonesia
howthebodyworks: Pantura party at the Indonesian NAtional Gallery
howthebodyworks: IMG_1405.JPG
howthebodyworks: eko nugroho's elephants
howthebodyworks: I have an obsession with eko nugroho's elephants
howthebodyworks: tawatchai puntusawasdi's "A blind is crying"
howthebodyworks: carterpaper restrospective pt 2
howthebodyworks: I'm not sure about this one - is it TAkuro Kotaka?
howthebodyworks: IMG_1533.JPG
howthebodyworks: pantura action
howthebodyworks: IMG_1363.JPG
howthebodyworks: David' Grigg's photographs of Manila tatts
howthebodyworks: I think this one was by sakit kuning collective
howthebodyworks: vincent leong's awesome stencils of jakarta icons
howthebodyworks: "strawberry" by thaweesak Srithongdee
howthebodyworks: i think my own degree was not far from this, except it took 9 years
howthebodyworks: all the curators and artists hide from us journalists in the smoking room
howthebodyworks: IMG_1568.JPG
howthebodyworks: Pantura party at the Indonesian NAtional Gallery
howthebodyworks: Jompet's spooky, spectacular work "Java's machine: phantasmagoria"
howthebodyworks: I think this one was by sakit kuning collective, but it's a differnt angle
howthebodyworks: carterpaper restrospective pt 1
howthebodyworks: vincent leong's awesome stencils of jakarta icons.
howthebodyworks: tawatchai puntusawasdi's "A blind is crying"
howthebodyworks: Jompet's spooky, spectacular work "Java's machine: phantasmagoria" pt 2
howthebodyworks: eko nugroho's zinester flag
howthebodyworks: who would not have an obsession with eko nugroho's elephants
howthebodyworks: prototypes for Ari Dina Krestyawan's urealised public intervention "Teks Baris Publik"