howiemj: sail dahabiya boat nileIMG_7076
howiemj: workers in fieldsIMG_7222
howiemj: water buffaloIMG_7215
howiemj: washing pots on nile nat geog7212
howiemj: Sudan
howiemj: woman and cattle on bankIMG_7263
howiemj: Qubbat sunsetIMG_7019
howiemj: Qubbat remains
howiemj: Qubbat and AswanIMG_6700
howiemj: Prayer timeIMG_6430
howiemj: philae Isis templeIMG_6972
howiemj: Old Cataract hotel_edited-1
howiemj: Old and new giza plateau
howiemj: Nile worker in reedsIMG_6858
howiemj: Nile worker in reeds2IMG_6859
howiemj: Nile waters edge cattleIMG_7217
howiemj: Nile villages houses sat dishesIMG_7199
howiemj: Nile villageboat
howiemj: Nile village youg men in galibayasIMG_7214
howiemj: Nile village woman and goatsIMG_7210
howiemj: nile village man on bankIMG_7229
howiemj: Nile village kids and donkeysIMG_7211
howiemj: Nile village houseIMG_7198
howiemj: Nile village from boatIMG_6807
howiemj: Nile village from boat 2IMG_6808
howiemj: Nile village fishing menIMG_7191
howiemj: Nile village fields people and goats on banksIMG_7230
howiemj: Nile vilage house blueIMG_7200
howiemj: Nile townIMG_7220
howiemj: nile fishermen 2men in boatIMG_7195