James Holland:
St Mary: Studley Royal
James Holland:
St Mary: Studley Royal
James Holland:
chancel window & columns
James Holland:
studley royal: chancel, south side
James Holland:
studley royal: font cover
James Holland:
studley royal: font
James Holland:
St Mary: detail of font
James Holland:
St Mary: detail of font
James Holland:
St Mary: detail of font
James Holland:
St Mary:chancel
James Holland:
studley royal:chancel
James Holland:
studley royal: chancel
James Holland:
studley royal: west door
James Holland:
bat misericord
James Holland:
studley royal: west door
James Holland:
studley royal: west door
James Holland:
studley royal: south door
James Holland:
studley royal :choristers' house
James Holland:
burges bonbons
James Holland:
studley royal:st mary
James Holland:
studley royal: chancel
James Holland:
studley royal: chancel
James Holland:
James Holland:
studley royal: chancel, north side
James Holland:
studley royal: chancel
James Holland:
studley royal: first marquess and marchioness of ripon