howbeg: Calm waters
howbeg: Madness
howbeg: Contemplative spot!
howbeg: Mixed colours
howbeg: Red & green should never be seen!
howbeg: Frond farewell!
howbeg: Leaf me alone!
howbeg: Shafted!
howbeg: And then there was light!
howbeg: snuggled up!
howbeg: Fyne afternoon
howbeg: God can
howbeg: Cocks comb!
howbeg: Streaming past!
howbeg: Dead colourful!
howbeg: Big plant eats leaves!
howbeg: Floating about!
howbeg: Going round the bend!
howbeg: A bridge too short!
howbeg: Me sentiments entirlely
howbeg: Des Res
howbeg: Fyne landscape
howbeg: Fyne view
howbeg: A Fyne day
howbeg: Ship to shore calling!