howbeg: wall to wall boats
howbeg: stand to attention
howbeg: umpa!
howbeg: tromboned
howbeg: Little drummers
howbeg: red or dead!
howbeg: Colours
howbeg: Playing FTSE
howbeg: north star
howbeg: Trio of boats
howbeg: fly away
howbeg: salamandar
howbeg: Ella M
howbeg: Big lorry!
howbeg: Scania
howbeg: Dragon
howbeg: ballocks!
howbeg: checking flags
howbeg: Pensive!
howbeg: Is that so?
howbeg: tarbert evening!
howbeg: Julie Anne
howbeg: haggis dog!
howbeg: The corner HOuse
howbeg: ugly ducklings!
howbeg: IMG_7042
howbeg: more boats!
howbeg: tunnocks!
howbeg: Nice boats