howbeg: fuzzy night shot of Bishop Joe
howbeg: Deacon Martin Matheson
howbeg: Cardinal O'Brien and wee Joe Toal new bishop
howbeg: Fr Paul
howbeg: Fr Roddy MacAuley
howbeg: Fr Michael MacDonald
howbeg: Bishop Joe of Argyll & the Isles
howbeg: Joe's family
howbeg: congregation
howbeg: A long line of bishops and 1 cardinal
howbeg: Cardinal O'Brien
howbeg: Joe just before his ordination
howbeg: A wee nervous glance, thinks jings what have I done!
howbeg: Fr Joe
howbeg: Fr Paul & Mgnr Thomas Wynne
howbeg: Fr Donald Campbel and Canon Angus MacQueen
howbeg: Canon MacQueen
howbeg: watching and waiting
howbeg: Caught! Fr John Angus spotted me ! thats me in trouble again!
howbeg: Martin
howbeg: alter servers
howbeg: Malcolm with the big cross!
howbeg: A busy Michael Hutson