howbeg: The Vital Spark's last journey up the Crinan Canal
howbeg: Tight squeeze!
howbeg: The old girl needs a lot of TLC
howbeg: Covered cargo hold
howbeg: ropes and winches for loading etc
howbeg: brake man alongside
howbeg: tighten her up!
howbeg: Bodach a Diura - a chap from Jura
howbeg: Ileach - An Islay man
howbeg: Watching!
howbeg: going through lock no 10
howbeg: if you can't pull...slaod!
howbeg: The owner
howbeg: Taking the strain!
howbeg: passengers
howbeg: Unflappable!
howbeg: Taking a breather!
howbeg: About to enter lock no 10
howbeg: Ten
howbeg: Applying the brakes!
howbeg: The watcher
howbeg: Engineer!
howbeg: Pegged out!
howbeg: Young pirate!
howbeg: Resting!
howbeg: Coming through!
howbeg: Catch!
howbeg: waiting!
howbeg: Baby pirate!
howbeg: Zip the old sea dog!