howbeg: Gun dog display
howbeg: NEC car park
howbeg: City centre spire Birmingham
howbeg: Old & New
howbeg: Barking mad!
howbeg: Handsome Hector!
howbeg: Red setters
howbeg: Spots
howbeg: ugly!
howbeg: Sheepish!
howbeg: A face only a mother would love!
howbeg: Pat me please!
howbeg: Who stole my brandy barrell?
howbeg: cool dude dog
howbeg: Ticlke my ears!
howbeg: Laid back corgi
howbeg: Someday I will grow into my ears!
howbeg: Fresh from the palace!
howbeg: Dog gone money grabbing mutt!
howbeg: Total control
howbeg: At last!
howbeg: What we gals have to endure in the name of fashion!
howbeg: Indi, who got second after his brother.
howbeg: German Pointer
howbeg: Hairy dog...baldy man!
howbeg: Bernese Sheepdog
howbeg: Chilled
howbeg: Perfect paw
howbeg: Pink bobble