howbeg: Celtic cross
howbeg: War memorial near Kildonan
howbeg: Highlanders
howbeg: who you lookin at?
howbeg: Rosie!
howbeg: moove over darling!
howbeg: what ya lookin at?
howbeg: rocks
howbeg: language of the Gael
howbeg: passing places
howbeg: A Bheinn Mhor
howbeg: spooky Ormaclete castle!
howbeg: stooks
howbeg: lapwing
howbeg: fields of gold!
howbeg: bird feast!
howbeg: still standing!
howbeg: going to seed!
howbeg: Howmore church
howbeg: Atlantic waves
howbeg: the power of the sea
howbeg: slivers of silver
howbeg: forces of nature
howbeg: crash!
howbeg: in a rush!
howbeg: blue beyond!
howbeg: ripples in the sand!
howbeg: white horses
howbeg: chasing!
howbeg: flumes