howbeg: Ah sweet rose of Inverskecky!
howbeg: she loves me not!
howbeg: smiles all round!
howbeg: spooning!
howbeg: anyone for pudding?
howbeg: glowing!
howbeg: happy days come aways!
howbeg: caise!
howbeg: two muskateers!
howbeg: giving me the eye!
howbeg: lady in red!
howbeg: show me the way to Aberdeen!
howbeg: ceann a bhuird!
howbeg: eyeball on Calum alec
howbeg: Fiona's first pupil!
howbeg: Devid keeping an eye on the proceedings!
howbeg: G&T for after class!
howbeg: a litir Frangach!
howbeg: Dougie using his loaf!