howbeg: Kibble detail
howbeg: P1070006
howbeg: Kibble Top!
howbeg: Kibble Dome!
howbeg: Man & Monkey!
howbeg: Monkey!
howbeg: More fish!
howbeg: Fish!
howbeg: Fish! nae chips!
howbeg: Kibble interior
howbeg: What beautiful ferns (in the background!)
howbeg: Kibble
howbeg: Kibble detail
howbeg: Big green things!
howbeg: P1070036
howbeg: All alone!
howbeg: Scotland no more!
howbeg: BBC Scotland icon of Queen Margaret Drive
howbeg: Full up pigeon
howbeg: Too long in the Oran Mor perhaps?
howbeg: More pink and red stuff!
howbeg: Red hot poker
howbeg: Big red flower!
howbeg: Long and pink!
howbeg: Trying to be arty!
howbeg: Pink!
howbeg: The joy of sex....Glasgow style!
howbeg: Long pink thing!
howbeg: wee blue thing!
howbeg: normal temp red hot poker!