howbeg: 1701
howbeg: sun setting
howbeg: Time for a dram
howbeg: chairs instead of cheers!
howbeg: hunting lodge lounge
howbeg: Times are a changing!
howbeg: a view to dine with!
howbeg: Dusty bottles
howbeg: more bottles!
howbeg: staggered!
howbeg: boared!
howbeg: drams everywhere!
howbeg: where to begin!
howbeg: wellied!
howbeg: stoned!
howbeg: blurred vision!
howbeg: waves!
howbeg: whiskey rocks!
howbeg: the blues!
howbeg: drams taking effect!!
howbeg: cormorants
howbeg: the end of a lovely day!
howbeg: The island of Ghia and its three windmills
howbeg: smashed!
howbeg: on the crest of a wave!
howbeg: sea spray!
howbeg: hill farm
howbeg: The Paps of Jura in the distance
howbeg: kintyre seascape
howbeg: paint effect boat