howbeg: street light
howbeg: my new car!!! I wish!
howbeg: nose job
howbeg: graves
howbeg: graves
howbeg: church spire
howbeg: flickr lady
howbeg: angel with wings
howbeg: I waz born here! and thats all thats left!!!!
howbeg: P1030831
howbeg: P1030828
howbeg: ears!
howbeg: P1030823
howbeg: Interior Glasgow Cathedral
howbeg: ugly bugly
howbeg: spooks coming out of the crypt!
howbeg: blue window
howbeg: Adam & Eve..I think!
howbeg: Glasgow cathdral
howbeg: flickr ghosts!
howbeg: an armless chap!
howbeg: necropolis glasgow
howbeg: fancy tomb!
howbeg: P1030788
howbeg: long winded names!
howbeg: necropolis gaurd dog!
howbeg: flickrites! waiting for lost child!
howbeg: grand entrance necropolis glasgow
howbeg: back to haunt you! booo!
howbeg: A very modern stone for someone who died in 18 something!