howbeg: P1020088
howbeg: P1020087
howbeg: dangerous gap on the lock, almost didnt see it!
howbeg: evening reflections
howbeg: P1020083
howbeg: P1020082
howbeg: P1020080
howbeg: the pointy bit!
howbeg: P1020078
howbeg: P1020077
howbeg: P1020076
howbeg: P1020075
howbeg: P1020073
howbeg: reflections on the crinan canal
howbeg: P1020068
howbeg: P1020067
howbeg: P1020065
howbeg: P1020062
howbeg: P1020059
howbeg: P1020056
howbeg: P1020055
howbeg: P1020054
howbeg: P1020053
howbeg: heart shape!
howbeg: P1020050
howbeg: P1020048
howbeg: autumn berries !
howbeg: change in the season!
howbeg: red and green!
howbeg: P1020034