howbeg: 000_0564
howbeg: Spot the theme?
howbeg: 000_0709
howbeg: Box players
howbeg: 000_1681
howbeg: 3 of the best
howbeg: Blown away!
howbeg: Hello Moto!
howbeg: TA6 11-10-04_0158
howbeg: Fionnar
howbeg: TA6 11-10-04_0220
howbeg: now for a wee Gaelic song!
howbeg: HPIM0131
howbeg: HPIM0587
howbeg: Ally being serious!
howbeg: Nice tune
howbeg: HPIM0791
howbeg: The Little Drummer Boy!
howbeg: musical bunny!
howbeg: Tiger girls
howbeg: piping turtle!
howbeg: scarey step dancer!
howbeg: HPIM0882
howbeg: HPIM0893
howbeg: HPIM0907b
howbeg: HPIM0935
howbeg: HPIM0942a