howbeg: 000_0444
howbeg: sam dancing
howbeg: Billy dog
howbeg: freda with stick
howbeg: Guinea pig chomping grass
howbeg: The Billy Dogs
howbeg: Image06
howbeg: Billy.. gone but not forgotten!
howbeg: Freda sunning herself
howbeg: Its my bed!
howbeg: BEN
howbeg: Image08
howbeg: Image09
howbeg: HPIM1257
howbeg: Freda puppy
howbeg: 000_0639
howbeg: HPIM0212
howbeg: Ribina rabbit
howbeg: Vatersay Boy
howbeg: Harry Hoobis on grass!
howbeg: My birthday present from PA
howbeg: Freda blowing in the wind at Ardnamurchan point
howbeg: Lady of all she surveys!
howbeg: Feeling better!
howbeg: "Not talking"
howbeg: On the mend!
howbeg: I rock!
howbeg: spooky looking freda
howbeg: Freda in motion!
howbeg: One man and his dog!