Howard Clifton: Reverse bokeh!
Howard Clifton: Reverse bokeh, with cat.
Howard Clifton: Snow globe bokeh
Howard Clifton: Snow globe bokeh
Howard Clifton: Snow globe bokeh
Howard Clifton: Snow globe bokeh
Howard Clifton: USB tree bokeh
Howard Clifton: USB tree bokeh
Howard Clifton: Christmas at warp speed
Howard Clifton: Christmas Snow Globe Bokeh
Howard Clifton: Christmas Snow Globe Bokeh
Howard Clifton: Decorative lantern bokeh
Howard Clifton: Christmas candle bokeh
Howard Clifton: Bokeh at the Spectacle of Dancing Lights
Howard Clifton: Spectacle of Dancing Lights
Howard Clifton: Spectacle of Dancing Lights
Howard Clifton: Spectacle of Dancing Lights
Howard Clifton: Spectacle of Dancing Lights
Howard Clifton: Spectacle of Dancing Lights
Howard Clifton: Spectacle of Dancing Lights
Howard Clifton: Spectacle of Dancing Lights