Howard33: Clock tower
Howard33: Playbill from Nashville about 1956
Howard33: Hamlet
Howard33: Nathan 1937 - 1978
Howard33: Crosley auto, Nashville, Tennessee
Howard33: Howard and Bunny, June '53
Howard33: Lee, Nathan, Bill
Howard33: fruit and vegetables
Howard33: West High in Nashville, Tennessee circa 1953.
Howard33: Yarbrough (copied from the annual)
Howard33: Cafeteria
Howard33: Trophies, and the story of "All the way for Doc!"
Howard33: West High Auditorium
Howard33: Alma mater
Howard33: West High opened 1937, Nashville, Tennessee
Howard33: West from the east
Howard33: West End High annual page 1953
Howard33: Bunny close (West High, Nashville, class of 1957)
Howard33: Bunny, senior pic '57
Howard33: A party. Just a few students from West High School
Howard33: Some West High Students at a Party