Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp長額蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Bridled Anemonefish白條海葵魚(紅小丑)
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp長額蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Rust-spotted Crab(Trapezia rufopunctata)紅斑梯形蟹
Allen Lee(houpc): Bolland's Tritonia(Trionia bollandi)
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp長額蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Risbecia tryoni & Emperor Shrimp崔恩多彩海蛞蝓&帝王蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp長額蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Wire Coral Crab
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp(male)
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp(Female)
Allen Lee(houpc): Purple Urchin Shrimp
Allen Lee(houpc): Pleurobranchus grandis Pease & Emperor Shrimp巨大側鰓海蛞蝓&帝王蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Pleurobranchus grandis Pease & Emperor Shrimp巨大側鰓海蛞蝓&帝王蝦
Allen Lee(houpc): Xenia Shrimp(Hippolyte sp.1)
Allen Lee(houpc): Hidden Corallimorph Shrimp(Ghost Shrimp)
Allen Lee(houpc): Swimming Crab(Caphyra unidentata)
Allen Lee(houpc): Sea Star's tentacle
Allen Lee(houpc): Sea Spider with eggs
Allen Lee(houpc): Dragon Shrimp
Allen Lee(houpc): Anemonefish
Allen Lee(houpc): Wire Coral Crab with eggs骷髏蟹
Allen Lee(houpc): Forster's Hawkfish
Allen Lee(houpc): Sea Whip Goby
Allen Lee(houpc): Porcelain Crab瓷蟹
Allen Lee(houpc): Soft Coral Crab
Allen Lee(houpc): Tube Anemone
Allen Lee(houpc): Bubble Anemone & Anemonefish