Patrick Houlihan: at the Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: Plaza scene | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: 5 o'clock
Patrick Houlihan: Loretto Chapel
Patrick Houlihan: Miraculous Staircase of Loretto Chapel
Patrick Houlihan: Stained Glass Window | Loretto Chapel
Patrick Houlihan: Loretto Chapel Altar
Patrick Houlihan: St. Francis statue and cathedral | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: St. Francis Cathedral | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: door & detail
Patrick Houlihan: St. Francis Cathedral | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: St. Francis Cathedral Baptistery
Patrick Houlihan: St. Francis Cathedral | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: Stained glass window | St. Francis Cathedral, Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: San Miguel Mission | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: San Miguel Mission | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: San Miguel Mission | Santa Fe
Patrick Houlihan: Carved viga
Patrick Houlihan: on the wall in the San Miguel Mission | Santa Fe, New Mexico
Patrick Houlihan: San Jose Bell