mentalPICTURE: Happy in the snow!
mentalPICTURE: Our muddy friend!
mentalPICTURE: Icicle hat
mentalPICTURE: Snow eyes
mentalPICTURE: Snow eyes
mentalPICTURE: Picture this!
mentalPICTURE: one armed bandit!
mentalPICTURE: Making friends
mentalPICTURE: Holding hands!
mentalPICTURE: on the sledge
mentalPICTURE: Hooray for the snow!
mentalPICTURE: snow giggle
mentalPICTURE: Snow Sisters
mentalPICTURE: a present!
mentalPICTURE: Yay Snow!! (a crop of)
mentalPICTURE: Yay snow!!
mentalPICTURE: half smile {explored}