Hotels-HPRG: Terrace 404 & Andy Wahloo - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Main room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Main room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Main room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Hall with toilets and secret smoking room entrance - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Toilets - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Astroturf roof - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Upstairs room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Upstairs room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Upstairs room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Stairs upstairs - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Main room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Main room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Aubergines in gaspacho - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Artichokes - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Toilets - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Great tiles in toilets - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Fumoir Restaurant Derrière photomerge
Hotels-HPRG: Smoking parlour - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Smoking parlour - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Secret entrance to smoking parlour - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Risotto - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Pasta - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Joue de boeuf - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Gigot - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Bottom of stairs in main room - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Smoking parlour - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Smoking parlour - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Main room skylight - Restaurant Derrière
Hotels-HPRG: Pain perdu with vanilla and chocolate sauce - Restaurant Derrière