christine...elizabeth...: I snuck this shot through the heads in front of me
christine...elizabeth...: they're getting marrrrried
christine...elizabeth...: husband and wife
christine...elizabeth...: we know each other <3 <3 <3
christine...elizabeth...: this was one of only a few pictures of them on that day, probably
christine...elizabeth...: we stood together there
christine...elizabeth...: you know them! you love them.
christine...elizabeth...: this was our table.
christine...elizabeth...: here was the table
christine...elizabeth...: the weather made everything kind of sultry
christine...elizabeth...: checking things out
christine...elizabeth...: friends since a fateful day at the library circa 1986
christine...elizabeth...: this was cool. (clearly.)
christine...elizabeth...: a little blurry but you can still tell they love each other
christine...elizabeth...: here they were dancing
christine...elizabeth...: it was a lovely wedding, as you can see
christine...elizabeth...: that's me, though
christine...elizabeth...: this was deee licious
christine...elizabeth...: the meal from above
christine...elizabeth...: the cool table !
christine...elizabeth...: oh I love this
christine...elizabeth...: hands mostly on hips
christine...elizabeth...: this is sarah and she's married now