Hotash: PEACE is in our hands i'm sure of it
Hotash: Antique
Hotash: Merry daze everyone
Hotash: My good 'bad dog' Cali
Hotash: peace & love
Hotash: Bubble 4
Hotash: Heart w/Rose
Hotash: My 1st try
Hotash: Something round
Hotash: Mendocino County Fair
Hotash: Something in the background...
Hotash: Birken-stocken
Hotash: Boss
Hotash: Open ceremony
Hotash: Red
Hotash: Patience
Hotash: airborne
Hotash: still...
Hotash: & they're through the gate
Hotash: How it should look
Hotash: Boss - keeping an eye on things
Hotash: Blue, no wait, Green!
Hotash: PUrPLe
Hotash: Left behind
Hotash: 1 of 3
Hotash: 2 of 3
Hotash: 3 of 3
Hotash: Whiskers
Hotash: tri-color
Hotash: Look at this cute little dwarf bunny!