Hotash: Ah jeeze not again!
Hotash: Jester & his bird 1
Hotash: Jester & his bird 2
Hotash: Jester & his bird 3
Hotash: Poor birdie
Hotash: Jester & his bird 4
Hotash: Jester on the prowl
Hotash: My Jester
Hotash: only ONE of Jester's many kills
Hotash: Watch out !!!
Hotash: Un-suspecting bird
Hotash: Brown bat a-la-mode
Hotash: Gift from Kitty...
Hotash: A gift from kitty
Hotash: "well thanks for waking me"
Hotash: Yawwwwn
Hotash: Jester-tired after watching us put in Pergo...
Hotash: "What!"
Hotash: Jester holding down the newspaper
Hotash: Jester's "KINGLY" chair
Hotash: Early morning Jester
Hotash: Douina in the tunnel
Hotash: Jester thinks "ahhhh a walnut..."
Hotash: Merry Christmas to the kitties
Hotash: My cats want to eat me after getting into the catnip!
Hotash: Egads!
Hotash: Jester a bit worried
Hotash: What is that?
Hotash: Jester
Hotash: "Did you hear that?"