ms4jah: DSC_7788 - Version 2
ms4jah: Snow Today
ms4jah: The Ice Crusted Fence
ms4jah: DSC_7819
ms4jah: Mission Impossible
ms4jah: Jumping into the Deep Snow Drift
ms4jah: Me in Tree
ms4jah: Me in Tree - Version 2
ms4jah: DSC_7940
ms4jah: Footprints
ms4jah: DSC_7979
ms4jah: DSC_7990
ms4jah: Walking the Lonely Road*
ms4jah: Take a Hike on the Wild Side
ms4jah: Jen's Smile
ms4jah: Five People in Reflection
ms4jah: Best Picture of Mom and Jen
ms4jah: Jen and Mom near the clouds