ms4jah: Candace on bicycle with Dance bag
ms4jah: Pizza Party
ms4jah: Lizzy sleeps with Candace. 500+ views/no favs-go figure?
ms4jah: Cold San Diego Weather, life can get really rough here.
ms4jah: Cold San Diego Weather, life can get really rough here.
ms4jah: Playing T.N.T. by AC/DC
ms4jah: Hot Catchy Colors
ms4jah: Cat and mouse- many views, few comments; comon viewers, how 'bout it?
ms4jah: Candace and Lizzy
ms4jah: baja kayak group
ms4jah: DSC00402
ms4jah: DSCN0342
ms4jah: DSCN0259
ms4jah: DSCN0240
ms4jah: DSCN0214
ms4jah: July 4 balloon ride ?2003?
ms4jah: Matt, Steve, Candace, Lura, Michelle
ms4jah: Gabriel, Candace, Bobby, Snowboarding
ms4jah: Drum Practice
ms4jah: Candace and Friends 1/1/08