hortulus: Sedum rupestre 'Angelina'
hortulus: Echeveria 'Gilva' & 'Gilva Spreader'
hortulus: The February garden
hortulus: Drimia (Urginea, Scilla) maritima
hortulus: xGraptosedum 'Golden Glow'?
hortulus: Life study
hortulus: outdoor seating
hortulus: Echeveria 'Hummel #1'
hortulus: Rosa 'Veilchenblau', Schmidt 1909
hortulus: Iris foetidissima 'Variegata'
hortulus: dish gardens
hortulus: Centaurea ragusina L. (1753), dubrovačka zečina
hortulus: morning in the garden . . .
hortulus: اللوف الفلسطيني, לוף ארצישראלי, Arum palaestinum
hortulus: Crassula capitella subsp. thyrsiflora 'Red Pagoda'
hortulus: Cordyline banksii, forest cabbage tree
hortulus: Echeveria 'Victor Reiter'
hortulus: Echeveria pulidonis
hortulus: Ruschia maxima
hortulus: Scilla silliness
hortulus: Clivia nobilis (or perhaps a hybrid involving?)
hortulus: Echeveria 'Victor Reiter'
hortulus: Crassula 'Blue Bird' in a pot painted by a friend
hortulus: fascinating fasciation
hortulus: Echeveria 'Gilva Spreader'
hortulus: A 'chair-full' of Echeverias
hortulus: part of the collection in bloom
hortulus: lavender, salmon, and yellow
hortulus: in West berkeley
hortulus: in West Berkeley