K. Horn: Trapped Goldfish (Large), Later Rescued (Apparently)
K. Horn: Goldfinch
K. Horn: Jazz Display with Mills Brothers (Cracker Barrel)
K. Horn: House Sparrows, Which Have Dominated the Feeder
K. Horn: Wacky Squirrel
K. Horn: House Finch and House Sparrows
K. Horn: IMG_1178
K. Horn: IMG_1179
K. Horn: Fire in the Hole, Final Ride
K. Horn: Fire in the Hole, Final Ride (I thought; I later did it once more)
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda's Zirkus
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda and His Wife on the High Wire
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda and His Wife on the High Wire
K. Horn: Veranica
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda on the High Wire
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda on the High Wire
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda on the High Wire
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda on the High Wire
K. Horn: Wallendas Together on the Wire
K. Horn: Wallendas Together on the Wire
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda and His Wife on the High Wire
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda on the High Wire
K. Horn: With Nik Wallenda Whom I Interviewed in 2012
K. Horn: Mystic River Falls
K. Horn: Flooded Mine
K. Horn: Spoken 4 Quartet
K. Horn: Nik Wallenda's Zirkus