K. Horn: Backyard Greyhound and Cottontails
K. Horn: Backyard Cottontails
K. Horn: Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
K. Horn: IMG_7329
K. Horn: IMG_7334
K. Horn: Rabbit Crosses the Trail
K. Horn: Squirrel Lounging on Our Deck
K. Horn: Surgery Check-In
K. Horn: IMG_7441
K. Horn: Harnessed Tiger Moth (Apantesis phalerata)
K. Horn: Cardinal
K. Horn: Cardinal Singing
K. Horn: Anne Drummond Relocation
K. Horn: Anne Case Drummond 1908-2002 Relocation
K. Horn: Anne Drummond Relocation
K. Horn: IMG_7639 Anne Drummond Relocation
K. Horn: IMG_7640 Anne Drummond Relocation
K. Horn: Peggy Pretends ... She's Really a Brave Gal
K. Horn: After Hand Surgery — Her Real Attitude
K. Horn: IMG_7647
K. Horn: Rabbit Enters Hole
K. Horn: IMG_7650
K. Horn: Flooded Wilson's Creek-South Creek Trail
K. Horn: Flashflood at Tal's Trailhead
K. Horn: Peggy in Her Cast after Hand Surgery
K. Horn: Peggy in Her Optional Splint after Hand Surgery
K. Horn: IMG_7671
K. Horn: American Carrion Beetle
K. Horn: American Carrion Beetle
K. Horn: Now You See Me ....