K. Horn: The Alexander Column Commemorating Alexander I's Victory of over Napoleon
K. Horn: Monument to the Seaman
K. Horn: Leningrad Across Neva River
K. Horn: Leningrad
K. Horn: View from Lutheran Church Steps
K. Horn: Firehouse, Finland
K. Horn: Swedish Boats Selling Baltic Herring
K. Horn: Downtown Helsinki
K. Horn: Helsinki Harbor
K. Horn: Out Apartment Window (back)
K. Horn: Helsinki Lutheran Church
K. Horn: Riitta & Seppo in Park
K. Horn: Savonlina Castle
K. Horn: Ken on Catwalk in Lintu Area
K. Horn: Fishing Village, Finland 1984
K. Horn: Department Store
K. Horn: Streets of Leningrad
K. Horn: Hydrofoil on Neva River in Leningrad
K. Horn: A Wooden Church in Finland 1984
K. Horn: Museum, Russia
K. Horn: Ship That Fired First Shot of the October Revolution, on the The Neva River, Leningrad
K. Horn: The Winter Palace
K. Horn: Fishing a Lake in Finland
K. Horn: Museum
K. Horn: Riitta, Seppo, Guides at Cookfire
K. Horn: Peggy, Riitta, Seppo, Tuntsa River Makkara Cookout
K. Horn: Tuntsa River Brown Trout (17") on a Panther Martin
K. Horn: Ken, Seppo, Riitta Fishing the Tuntsa River in Finland Near Russia
K. Horn: Border of Lapland & Oulu Provinces (Lapin & Oulun Laani)
K. Horn: Reindeer in Finnish Lapland