K. Horn: May Street Elementary School, 5th Grade
K. Horn: M433
K. Horn: M434
K. Horn: Christmas Tree and Gifts
K. Horn: Melba and Dick's Dad, Bill Callender
K. Horn: Patty and Ruth
K. Horn: devJuly 64 Hood River
K. Horn: M439
K. Horn: M440
K. Horn: M441
K. Horn: M442
K. Horn: M443
K. Horn: M444
K. Horn: M445
K. Horn: Gordon Reed, Teacher in Bow Tie
K. Horn: M447
K. Horn: Melba (left) at the Rogue River
K. Horn: M449
K. Horn: Bill Callender with Jeanne and Billy
K. Horn: Christmas Tree (of sorts) and Presents for Callender Family
K. Horn: Packages for Callender Family Christmas
K. Horn: Melba, Ruth Callender, Grandma Samples
K. Horn: Bill & Ruth Callender, Dick's Parents, Missy (cat)
K. Horn: Dick's Grandma Marjorie Callender Thomas, Bill's Mother
K. Horn: Daveen Callender McClure
K. Horn: Daveen Callender McClure Wedding, October 1967
K. Horn: Daveen Callender McClure Wedding, October 1967
K. Horn: Dave Callender, Daveen Callender McClure, Signe Callender
K. Horn: Patty Callender & Melba
K. Horn: Siblings, Patty & Dick Callender