K. Horn: With Ralph Hiatt
K. Horn: A Laugh in Argentina
K. Horn: Ralph Hiatt Interprets
K. Horn: Platform Prayer
K. Horn: Ministers Meeting, Kinshasa
K. Horn: Casting for Brown Trout, Rio Grande R., Argentina
K. Horn: Casting for Brown Trout, Rio Grande R., Argentina
K. Horn: Jean Pawentaore Ouedraogo with Mango Trees He Planted
K. Horn: 4776_Niger_cvrlg
K. Horn: Resident of a Mountain Village Who Lost His Family in the Disaster
K. Horn: 4782WMEcoverPakQuake
K. Horn: 4791TeaguecoverLg
K. Horn: 4791TeaguecoverLg
K. Horn: 4800_Cambodia_cvrlg
K. Horn: 4808_100th_cvrlg
K. Horn: 4865_Colombia_cvrlg
K. Horn: Interviewing Buddhist Priests in Cambodia
K. Horn: Meeting Dr. David Yonggi Cho in His Office in Seoul
K. Horn: Broadcasting on FGTV
K. Horn: Broadcasting on FGTV
K. Horn: In a Restaurant in Inchon, Korea
K. Horn: img514
K. Horn: Preparing to Broadcast on FGTV
K. Horn: In Front of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea
K. Horn: img522
K. Horn: img529
K. Horn: On the Steps of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea
K. Horn: Taking Notes in Angkor Wat
K. Horn: Meeting Dr. Cho
K. Horn: Meeting Dr. Cho